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1920s Investigator's Companion

von Chaosium - Detailinformationen zum Hersteller
Spielhilfe zu Call of Cthulhu, Englisch
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The 1920s Investigator's Companion is split into four sections. "The Roaring Twenties" details life in the 1920s, from a general historical overview to listing of favorite songs, books, and films of the era. "On Becoming An Investigator" details the trials of becoming an investigator, offers 140 different occupations, and annotates the use of skills in the 1920s. "The Tools of the Trade" lists resources investigators may use for research, describes various forms of transport and transportation, and also catalog other equipment and weapons. "Words of Wisdom" brings the book to a conclusion by offering advice to the intrepid investigator. Now, for the first time, everything a 1920s investigator needs is gathered in one place.                                                                                                                                                                                                        

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