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Shadowrun 4th Edition: Conspiracy Theories

von Catalyst Game Labs - Detailinformationen zum Hersteller
Spielhilfe zu Shadowrun, Englisch
Auf Lager - sofort lieferbar!

  • Looks at the intrigue and paranoia spreading across the Sixth World in the wake of the Aztlan-Amazonia war, the renegotiation of the Treaty of Denver, and the pursuit of powerful ancient artifacts.
  • Provides details on London, giving a look into this legendary city at a level Shadowrun has not offered since the game's first edition.
  • Revisits some of the legendary shadowy organizations from Shadowrun's past, including the Universal Brotherhood.
  • Offers a look at the powers behind the curtain and the crazy theories about who really controls things in the Sixth World and what they are trying to accomplish.
  • Introduces new plot elements that tie into Shadowrun's past while opening up new avenues for future developments.
  • Presents plot hooks and other ideas that gamemasters can use to easily adapt the elements of the book into their game.
  • Includes information on new magical gear, spells, and reagents that will enhance the options players have for how magic is used in the shadows.
  • Presents fiction that will help immerse gamemasters and players in the setting and the ongoing Shadowrun plot.

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