A Game of Thrones - Clash of Kings Expansionvon Fantasy Flight Publishing - Detailinformationen zum HerstellerStrategie zu Brettspiel, Englisch Auf Lager - sofort lieferbar! |
Fantasy Flight is ready to deliver A Clash of Kings, the first expansion to A Game of Thrones: The Board Game!
This new expansion and will include rules and components for the following: - The new House Martell (for playing the game with 6 players; includes new cards, tokens, and a large gameboard overlay) - An alternative higher-powered set of House Cards for all six Houses - Rules and components for managing the ports of Westeros, - New wooden tokens for the powerful but vulnerable Siege Engines - Wooden Fortification tokens - Special order tokens for every house A Clash of Kings will require the main A Game of Thrones Board Game to play |
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