Mediafrontvon R. Talsorian GamesSpielhilfe zu Cybergeneration, Englisch, 80 Seiten Auf Lager - sofort lieferbar! |
2027. The nation's populace is fed an unending stream of propaganda and psychological sedatives via the myriad forms of electronic entertainment which permeate ISA culture. Can the Cyberevolved break the iron grip the government has on the minds of the masses? Tune in and find out ...
This seocnd of the Documents of the Revolution series takes the CyberRevolution onto the airwaves as the tools of the Media in 2027 are brought to bear. Radio, Television, Virtuality, and Braindance are the weapons in this duel to either free or enslave the thoughts of America. From new broadcast technology to the pirate stations that use it, MediaFront shows you the means to wage this new kind of war. You can subvert the Machine with the glamorous Lookers, or spraypaint over government propslogs with the artistic Taggers. But you'd better do something, because the ISA is on-the-air and in-your-face! The MediaFront Sourcebook includes:
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