Exalted: The Fair Folkvon White Wolf - Detailinformationen zum HerstellerSpielhilfe zu Exalted, Englisch Auf Lager - sofort lieferbar! |
Lords of Chaos
Once, the great lords of madness fielded an army vast beyond all reckoning. They scoured the corners of chaos for warriors to throw against the hateful edifice of shaped reality. When the wards around Creation wavered during the Great Contagion, the Fair Folk rushed forward to ensure cataclysm. and were defeated. Princes of the Wyld Now, in the twilight of the Age of Heroes, the ruined courts of the Unformed Fair Folk prepare for a final, glorious crusade against Creation. Exalted: The Fair Folk provides detailed rules for roleplaying nobles and commoners in the faerie courts on the edges of Creation. Trapped between the hostile reality of Creation and the impending rush of the Faerie host, the Fair Folk of the Middlemarches must make their own fate as the Time of Tumult unfolds around them. Hardcover. |
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