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Baby´s first Mythos

von Z-Man Games - Detailinformationen zum Hersteller
Zubehör zu Call of Cthulhu, Englisch
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Baby's First Mythos

Everyone knows the name H.P. Lovecraft, but nobody ever associates that name with comedy-- not until now that is!

I is for Innsmouth,
A Hell of a town,
Where the people wear gold,
And are quite hard to drown.

Yes, it's "Baby's First Mythos," a delightfully irreverent A-Z look at the horrifying worlds of the greatest name in the world of horror. Spawned from the mind of horror king and Origins award winner, C.J. Henderson ("The Things That Are Not There," "Tales of Inspector Legrasse"), this book is a fun-filled must for every Lovecraftian everywhere. Lavishly illustrated with dozens of all new, highly detailed pieces by the incomparable Erica Henderson, this is one of those rare instant classics that everyone is simply going to have to have on their shelf.                                                                                                                                                                                                        

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